
102 Assn: How is this course changing the narrative around physical activity?

102 Assn: How is this course changing the narrative around physical activity?

See attachment below.

Directions: Please read the instructions and respond to the questions appropriately. Be sure to
be detailed in your responses.

1. Read the following article: https://americanfitnessindex.org/physical-activity-guidelines-faqs/.
1. How is this course changing the narrative around physical activity?
2. How many minutes (each) of aerobic, bone, and muscle strengthening

activity should you incorporate into a workout?
3. What are examples of vigorous-intensity aerobic activity?

2. Watch the following video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CjYHKWwHJlk.
1. List 5 of the movements seen in this video.
2. What are the benefits of the warm-up?
3. Give one example of a static and dynamic stretch shown in this video.
4. How often should you stretch?

3. Jaime is a 15-year old track athlete. She is interested in trying out for high school’s track team
next year. Jaime ran on her middle school’s track in the 100, 200, 400 and also competed in the
long jump. However, Jaime did not run competitively during her 9th grade year and has never
strength trained before and feels that in an effort to prepare herself for tryouts she should begin

1. What muscular adaptation is most appropriate for Jaime’s upcoming

2. How often do you recommend Jaime train?
3. Build a 4 exercise sample program for Jaime to follow to start her training.

(Be sure to include program design and the program prescription for

4. Link is interested in strengthening his back; however, he has never performed back exercises
before. He is not sure how strong his back is, and is nervous to get started. His friend Zay
mentioned that maybe he should start with cable machines. List 5 cable exercises he can perform
that targets muscles in the back. Also, suggest a program design and specific prescription for
training that could be useful to him.

Exercise 1:
Exercise 2:
Exercise 3:
Exercise 4:
Program Design:
Specific Prescription: