
Accounting 2 PA1,5,7,12

Accounting 2 PA1,5,7,12

  • Problem Set A
    • PA 1
    • PA 5
    • PA 7
    • PA 12
  • Show your calculations for full credit. 60% of available points
  • Please note journal entries may include calculated responses – indicate what account is debit versus credit – create a mini–General Journal to input using the correct format. You may create T-Accts to help calculate account balances as needed.
  • https://youtu.be/9HtUrxwFros?si=FxL1Wk3bE_kSnvu9Links to an external site.
  • Job Order Cost
  • https://youtu.be/Uw_52M9GLbg?si=n_CNYV2POH-qNGuLLinks to an external site.
  • or
  • https://youtu.be/d-EWG8MMocU?si=n7CQEH8oawStZaWqLinks to an external site.
  • or
  • https://youtu.be/F6RzLSSKlZM?si=NQyMkDHTxbkOgUErLinks to an external site.
  • Students must create an Excel file to answer these problems – use the textbook as a guide. Use the correct heading and format for the problem assigned. Create one workbook with a worksheet for each problem. SAVE as a XLS