Hi, need to do Assessment Task 2: Project

Part 1 on page 32
Part 2 on page 38: Presentation
Part 3 on page 46
All the information provided. Use that information to complete these parts
No word limit

Unit Code


Unit Name

Communicate with Influence

Name of the Document

Student Guide

About the Trainer and Assessor Guide

This Trainer and Assessor Guide has been designed to provide information about how the assessments will be conducted in this unit of competency to assess the skills and knowledge of students undertaking a face to face mode of study. It will also ensure that the assessment process is fair, flexible, valid and reliable and evidence collected meets the rules of evidence which includes authenticity, validity, sufficiency and currency.

This guide must be read in conjunction with the Student Assessment Booklet for assessment instructions.

Please read all the information in this Trainer and Assessor Guide before conducting any assessment for this unit.

PART 1: Assessment information: This part contains information on the assessment for this unit of competency and how an assessment will be conducted throughout this unit to achieve the competency.

It also explains the record-keeping requirements, plagiarism, reasonable adjustments, assessment appeals and other instructions necessary for the assessor to assist them to conduct an accurate assessment, including:

Purpose of the assessment

Conditions, context, required resources and location of the assessment

Assessment criteria

Assessment tasks

Outline of evidence to be collected

Evidence criteria used to judge the quality of performance

Administration, recording and reporting the requirements, including special adjustments, appeals, reasonable adjustments and assessor intervention.

PART 2: Assessment tasks and marking guides (model answers for tasks): This section contains assessment task information to successfully administer the assessment and the marking guides to make a valid judgment about whether competency has been achieved or not.

In each assessment task, the assessor will find the following information, which may include but is not limited to :

Task instructions

Role play/practical demonstration/scenario information

Information on resources required, where applicable (e.g. equipment, setting up the simulation environment)

Marking guide

Assessment feedback sheet

Appendix 1 – Resources required for the unit.

Assessment Information

The following section within the document specifies and provides information regarding the assessments that the students will complete for this unit of competency.

You will find all the necessary information to complete the assessment tasks, such as:

Purpose of the assessment

Context and Conditions for the assessment

The resources required

Performance evidence

Knowledge Evidence

Brief description of the assessment tasks to be conducted

Purpose of the Assessment

The purpose of the assessment is to determine competency in the unit BSBCMM511 – Communicate with Influence.

Context and Conditions for Assessment

To comply with the assessment conditions of this unit:

You must demonstrate adequate skills and knowledge evidence by providing a satisfactory outcome for each assessment task. You will be marked against the recommended model answers in the Trainer and Assessor guide.

You will have access to suitable facilities, equipment and resources, including template documentation, e.g. e.g. minute meeting template, delivery plan, communication policy, etc. to undertake the assessment tasks for this unit of competency.

ASOC will conduct the practical assessment for this unit in its classroom located at Level 4, 123 Lonsdale Street, Melbourne, VIC 3000.

Knowledge assessment for this unit will be conducted at the ASOC classroom at the location identified on the timetable.

All ASOC Assessors of this unit must satisfy the requirements for assessors in applicable vocational education and training legislation, frameworks and/or standards.

Resources Required

In addition to the resources specified below, you will be required to have access to task resource requirements specified before each task:

Computers with access to the internet and MS Office Applications, including MS Word, Adobe Acrobat Reader and working web browser.

ASOC learner's resource for BSBCMM511 – Communicate with Influence.

Access to ASOC simulated business environment.

Performance Evidence

The candidate must demonstrate the ability to complete the tasks outlined in the elements, performance criteria and foundation skills of this unit, including evidence of the ability to:

Participate in and lead at least two meetings

Prepare and make a presentation to two different groups.

In the course of the above, the candidate must

Communicate with key stakeholders to position the business to best effect including:

Listening actively

Understanding information needs of others

Adapting communication to suit the audience

Identifying suitable platform for presentations

Presenting reliable information

Designing the presentation to meet the needs of the audience

Answering questions clearly and concisely.

Knowledge Evidence

The candidate must be able to demonstrate knowledge to complete the tasks outlined in the elements, performance criteria and foundation skills of this unit, including knowledge of:

Industry, media and government organisations, events and communication channels that are relevant to the organisation

Cross-cultural communication

Techniques for negotiation, mediation, conflict resolution and incident de-escalation

Structured and inclusive meeting procedures

Organisational policies and procedures relevant to:

Presenting and negotiating

Leading and participating in meetings

Making presentations communication tone, structure, style and impact on others

Relevant organisational policies and procedures on confidentiality of information.

Assessment Tasks

To achieve competency in this unit, you must satisfactorily complete all the following assessment tasks within the date and time specified in the session plan. This will demonstrate that you have all the required skills and knowledge for this unit.

Assessment tasks

Assessment description

Location of the assessment

Assessment Task 1 (AT1): Knowledge Test

This assessment includes a series of questions that you are required to answer. You will need to answer all questions correctly.

You will be given 4 hours to complete this task.

This assessment will be conducted in the ASOC classroom.

Assessment Task 2 (AT2): Project

This project requires you to complete a set of tasks that includes written practical tests and role-play activity. You may complete the projects in a simulated environment with access to all the resources specified in resource requirements.

This assessment will be conducted at the ASOC simulated business environment.

Assessment Tasks and Marking Guide

This section contains all the assessment tasks students will complete for BSBCMM511 – Communicate with Influence.

You will have access to all the resources as specified in the Task Resource Requirements.

Assessment Cover Sheet: Assessment Task 1 (AT1)

Student Detail

Student Name

Student Id:

Group No (If Applicable):

Assessment Details

Unit of Competency

BSBCMM511 – Communicate with Influence.

Assessment Task

Knowledge Test

Due Date

Date of Submission


Student Plagiarism Declaration: By submitting this assessment to the college, I declare that this assessment task is original and has not been copied or taken from another source except where this work has been correctly acknowledged. I have made a photocopy or electronic copy or photograph of my assessment task, which I can produce if the original is lost.



I declare that I have conducted a fair, valid, reliable and flexible assessment with this student. I have provided appropriate feedback to the student and declare that I have undertaken the indicated assessment integrity checks.

I have received, discussed and accepted my result as above for this task and I am aware of my appeal rights.

To be completed by the Assessor (Please tick the appropriate option)

Google check for plagiarism

· Yes

· No

Check for copying/collusion

· Yes

· No

Check for authenticity (own work)

· Yes

· No

Cheating or use of sample response

· Yes

· No

Assessor Signature

Student Signature

Assessment Task 1: Knowledge Test

Task Resource Requirements

You must have access to the below listed resources in addition to the resources listed in 'Resources Required' in 'Assessment Information'

Student Assessment Booklet


ASOC learner's resource for BSBCMM511 – Communicate with Influence.

Instructions for the Student

This assessment will be conducted in the ASOC classroom/computer lab with access to the resources listed above. This is an Open/Closed book assessment.

You must answer all knowledge questions as part of this assessment and you can submit answers in either electronic or paper-based. The assessor may verify the authenticity of your work by asking questions regarding the answers provided.

Planning the Assessment

Recommended date for assessment – [assessor to set a date as per timetable]

Access all resources mentioned in the required resources, either printed copies or access via the internet

Time required for assessment: 4 hours

You must:

Answer all the questions satisfactorily to be deemed competent.

Complete the assessment and submit it in due timelines.

Submit with a completed assessment cover sheet.

Your assessor must set a time to provide feedback.

Evidence Specifications

At the end of the assessment,you will be required to submit the following evidence before the due date specified by the assessor:

You are required to submit a completed knowledge test with all questions answered.

Completed and signed cover sheet for assessment.

Evidence Submission

Documentation can be submitted electronically or paper-based.

The assessor will record the assessment outcome on the assessment cover sheet.

Question 1

Complete the table by identifying the following assuming you are working at Bounce Fitness:

Name of your workplace/organisation

The industry to which your workplace/organisation belongs

Conduct research online or through other sources to identify the following information:

a. At least two media organisations that can help promote your workplace/organisation (30-50 words each)

b. At least two government organisations relevant to your workplace/organisation (30-50 words each)

c. At least two industry events that your workplace/organisation can participate in (30-50 words each)

Briefly explain how each of the identified information above is relevant to your workplace/organisation.

d. At least two communication channels that your workplace/organisation can use to communicate with its external stakeholders. (30-50 words each)

Briefly explain how your workplace/organisation can use each communication channel to communicate with its external stakeholders.

Access the link below to learn more about Bounce Fitness.


Name of learner’s workplace/organisation

Industry to which the workplace/organisation belongs

a. Media Organisations


b. Government Organisations


c. Events


d. Communications Channels


Question 2

Define cross-cultural communication in the context of a workplace. (30-50 words)

Question 3

Complete the table below:

a. Identify at least three techniques for each of the workplace communication processes below. (40-70 words each)

Techniques refer to ways on how you can demonstrate each of the communication processes provided below.

b. Briefly explain how each technique can be demonstrated in the workplace. (40-70 words each)




How each technique can be demonstrated in the workplace

a. Negotiation, e.g., business deals

b. Mediation of conflict

c. Conflict Resolution

d. Incident de escalation

Question 4

Outline the steps for conducting structured meetings in the workplace. (150-180 words).

Steps in Conducting Structured Meetings in the Workplace

Question 5

Outline the steps for conducting inclusive meetings in the workplace. (100-120 words)

  Steps in Conducting Inclusive Meetings in the Workplace

Question 6

Below are scenarios about workplace interactions involving meetings and presentations. Read each scenario and answer each question that follow about communication tone.

I. Scenario 1

The Marketing Manager of Bounce Fitness calls for a meeting with their team members to discuss new ideas for the promotion of the organisation’s training services. In the meeting, the manager must:

Get at least one or two ideas from each team member

Acknowledge and compliment the ideas

Expound on interesting ideas

Ask the team members to ask questions if the ideas are not clear to them

i. What tone can the Marketing Manager use when discussing with the team members? (Answer in 1-2 words)

ii. How does the Marketing Manager’s tone impact the team member? (Answer in 30-50 words)

II. Scenario 2

After meeting with the team members, the Marketing Manager set up a meeting with the CEO to present the new marketing ideas. In the meeting, the manager must:

Introduce the ideas and their purpose, objectives, main points, and advantages

Avoid making statements irrelevant to the ideas being proposed

i. What tone can the Marketing Manager use when presenting to the CEO? (Answer in 1-2 words)

ii. How does the Marketing Manager’s tone impact the CEO? (Answer in 40-70 words)

Question 7

Identify the four communication styles. For each communication style, provide at least one example of a situation when each is demonstrated in the workplace and its impact on listener and speaker. (80 -120 words each)

Communication Style

Example of Situation and impact on listener and speaker

Question 8

Below are scenarios involving workplace interactions. Read each scenario and answer each question that follow about communication structure.

I. Scenario 1

Jack is part of the team of Fitness Instructors under Bounce Fitness. Every week, the fitness instructors gather in the meeting room to talk about concerns their customers may have raised during the week. They all contribute solutions to solve the concerns of the customers. Aside from that, they also discuss about possible improvements they can implement for future tasks.

i. What is the communication structure present in the situation? (Answer in 1-2 words)

ii. How does the above identified Communication structure impact Jack and other team members? (Answer in 50-80 words)

II. Scenario 2

Stephanie is the General Manager of Bounce Fitness. She receives an instruction to inform the employees about the new rule regarding office hours from the Vice President. She relays this information to each of the Department Heads. The heads will then relay the information to their respective team leaders, who will then disseminate the information to their members

i. What is the communication structure present in the situation? (Answer in 1-2 words)

ii. How does the above identified Communication structure impact Stephanie and other employees? (Answer in 80-100 words)

Question 9

Access and review the following policies and procedures of Bounce Fitness relevant to confidentiality of information:

Management of Electronic Information Protection Policies and Procedures

Privacy and Confidentiality Policy


Answer each question below for each of the policies and procedures reviewed using your own words.

Management of Electronic Information Protection Policies and Procedures

I. Identify the three electronic information covered under this policy.

II. Briefly discuss how Bounce Fitness ensures the protection of its electronic information. (Answer in 40-70 words)

III. Outline the steps to follow if a breach of security in electronic information occurred. (Answer in 80-100 words)

Privacy and Confidentiality Policy

I. Identify at least three methods of collecting personal information based on this policy.

II. Identify the three instances when the personal information from Bounce Fitness can be disclosed. (Answer in 20-40 words each)

III. Outline the steps followed by Bounce Fitness in the event of loss of personal information. (Answer in 50-70 words)

Question 10

Access and review the following policies and procedures of Bounce Fitness relevant to conducting meetings:

Policy and Procedures for Meetings

Style Guide


Answer each question below for each of the policies and procedures reviewed using your own words.

Policy and Procedures for Meetings

I. Outline the four purposes of conducting staff meetings. (Answer in 10-30 words each)

II. Identify the two people who the Department Supervisor can appoint to chair a department or team meeting. (Answer in 1- 2 words each)

III. Outline the steps that you need to take if you are assigned as minute-taker for a meeting. (Answer in 120- 150 words)

IV. Identify the person assigned to head negotiations during meetings. (Answer in 1- 2 words)

V. Outline steps required when negotiating during a meeting. (Answer in 150-180 words)

VI. Identify when a presenter must be informed that they will be presenting. (Answer in 5-10 words)

VII. Outline steps presenter needs to take to conduct a presentation during the meeting. (Answer in 120- 150 words)

Style Guide

I. Outline the reason Bounce Fitness provides pre-designed and formatted PowerPoint presentations. (Answer in 20-30 words).

II. Identify the three situations when a PowerPoint presentation should be used as visual aid (Answer in 1-2 words each)

III. Outline steps to take when creating a presentation using Bounce Fitness’ PowerPoint template. (Answer in 80-100 words)

Knowledge Test Checklist- This must be completed by the assessor.

After the student has completed the Knowledge Questions, the assessor is required to complete the checklist provided below.


Was the students' response satisfactory? satisfactorysatisfactory?

Assessor to tick the correct option (Yes/No)



Complete the table by identifying the following:

Name of your workplace/organisation

The industry to which your workplace/organisation belongs

Conduct research online or through other sources to identify the following information:

a. At least two media organisations that can help promote your workplace/organisation

b. At least two government organisations relevant to your workplace/organisation

c. At least two industry events that your workplace/organisation can participate in

Briefly explain how each of the identified information above is relevant to your workplace/organisation.

d. At least two communication channels that your workplace/organisation can use to communicate with its external stakeholders.

Briefly explain how your workplace/organisation can use each communication channel to communicate with its external stakeholders.

If you’re not currently in a workplace/organisation, refer to Bounce Fitness as your organisation. Access the link below to learn more about Bounce Fitness.




Define cross-cultural communication in the context of a workplace.



Complete the table below:

a. Identify at least three techniques for each of the workplace communication processes below.

Techniques refer to ways on how you can demonstrate each of the communication processes provided below.

b. Briefly explain how each technique can be demonstrated in the workplace



Outline the steps for conducting structured meetings in the workplace.

If you’re currently in a workplace, you can refer to the procedures from your organisation.



Outline the steps for conducting inclusive meetings in the workplace.

If you’re currently in a workplace, you can refer to the procedures from your organisation



Below are scenarios about workplace interactions involving meetings and presentations. Read each scenario and answer each question that follow about communication tone.



Identify the four communication styles. For each communication style, provide at least one example of a situation when each is demonstrated in the workplace and its impact on listener and speaker.



Below are scenarios involving workplace interactions. Read each scenario and answer each question that follow about communication structure.



Access and review the following policies and procedures of Bounce Fitness relevant to confidentiality of information:

Management of Electronic Information Protection Policies and Procedures

Privacy and Confidentiality Policy


Answer each question below for each of the policies and procedures reviewed using your own words.



Access and review the following policies and procedures of Bounce Fitness relevant to conducting meetings:

Policy and Procedures for Meetings

Style Guide


Answer each question below for each of the policies and procedures reviewed using your own words.



Assessment Outcome (Assessor to tick the appropriate outcome)




Not Satisfactory


Not Completed

Assessor Comments

Assessor Signature

Assessment Date

Student Signature

Assessment Cover Sheet: Assessment Task 2 (AT2)

Student Detail

Student Name

Student Id:

Group No (If Applicable):

Assessment Details

Unit of Competency

BSBCMM511 – Communicate with Influence.

Assessment Task


Due Date

Date of Submission


Student Plagiarism Declaration: By submitting this assessment to the college, I declare that this assessment task is original and has not been copied or taken from another source except where this work has been correctly acknowledged. I have made a photocopy or electronic copy or photograph of my assessment task, which I can produce if the original is lost.



I declare that I have conducted a fair, valid, reliable and flexible assessment with this student. I have provided appropriate feedback to the student and declare that I have undertaken the indicated assessment integrity checks.

I have received, discussed and accepted my result as above for this task and I am aware of my appeal rights.

To be completed by the Assessor (Please tick the appropriate option)

Google check for plagiarism

· Yes

· No

Check for copying/collusion

· Yes

· No

Check for authenticity (own work)

· Yes

· No

Cheating or use of sample response

· Yes

· No

Assessor Signature

Student Signature

Assessment Task 2: project

Task Resource Requirements

You must have access to the below listed resources in addition to the resources listed in 'Resources Required' in 'Assessment Information'

You will have access to:

A simulated workplace environment.

Computers with access to the internet and MS Office Applications, including MS Word, Adobe Acrobat Reader and a working web browser.

ASOC learner's resource for the unit BSBLDR811- Lead strategic transformation.

Learner’s notes.

Simulated task templates and requirements (provided separately) which includes:

Task 1.1 Privacy and confidentiality policies and procedures

Task 1.1 Communication Policy

Task 1.1 Authority to represent Business form template

Task 1.1 Delivery Plan template.

Task 2.2 Meeting Minutes template.

Task 2.2 Presenting the brand character brief.

Task 2.4 Evaluation form template.

Task 3.1 Improving the business character brief

Task 3.1 Improving the business Project brief.

Task 3.1 Meeting Minutes template 1

Task 3.1 Meeting Minutes template 2

Instructions for the Student

This assessment will be conducted in the ASOC-simulated workplace environment with access to the resources listed above.

This is a project-based assessment where you are required to need to access information, associated with Bounce Fitness. The task requires you to identify communication requirements, negotiate to achieve agreed outcomes, participate in and lead meetings and make presentations.

Planning the Assessment

Recommended date for assessment – [assessor to set a date as per timetable]

Access all resources mentioned in the required resources, either printed copies or access via the internet

Time required for assessment: 16 hours

You must:

Provide all evidence as required in this assessment.

Complete the assessment and submit it in due timelines.

Submit with a completed assessment cover sheet.

Your assessor must set a time to provide feedback.

Evidence Specifications

At the end of the assessment, you will be required to submit the following evidence before the due date specified by the assessor:

Completed Task 1.1 Authority to represent Business form template

Completed Task 1.1 Delivery Plan template.

Completed Task 2.2 Meeting Minutes template.

Completed Task 2.4 Evaluation form template.

Completed Task 3.1 Meeting Minutes template 1

Completed Task 3.1 Meeting Minutes template 2

Completed assessment task with all questions answered.

Completed and signed cover sheet for the assessment.

Evidence Submission

Documentation can be submitted electronically or paper-based.

Your assessor will record the assessment outcome on the assessment cover sheet.

Simulated Environment

The simulated environment will provide you with all the required resources (such as the equipment and participants, etc.) to complete the assessment task. The simulated environment is very much like a learning environment where you are able to practice, use and operate appropriate industrial equipment, techniques, and practices under realistic workplace conditions.

The simulated environment consists of the following:

The training organisation is the workplace where you will be required to complete your job-related tasks and activities.

The standard operating/workplace procedures.

Your assessor will provide you with assistance throughout the assessment activity. The simulated environment must meet the following criteria:

Follow standard operating/workplace procedures.

Use up-to-date software and equipment.

Work within stated timelines to meet deadlines.

Gain experience in the challenges and complexities of dealing with multiple tasks.

Experience prioritising competing tasks and dealing with contingencies.

The simulated environment to work with others in a team.

The simulated environment is sufficient to communicate, contribute and participate in tasks and activities.

The simulated environment is sufficient to work independently and manage workload.

Scenario PArt 1

Scenario Overview:

You are the manager of one of the centres of Bounce Fitness. You are working closely with the CEO and Executive Assistant regarding the project to rebrand Bounce Fitness.

The CEO has been in discussion with the Board- A plan to rebrand Bounce Fitness, starting with its logo and shirt design. This will be the company’s first rebranding in six years. A lot of new fitness centres have arisen in the last few years, so the CEO thinks that Bounce Fitness needs to redesign its look to attract new customers into the business. This aims to contribute to the achievement of the following organisational objectives:

1. Continue to cultivate Bounce Fitness image as a premier long-term wellness program provider.

1. Increase market penetration.

The following is the proposed design for the rebranding:

New Logo New Company Shirt

The target groups for this plan includes the Bounce Fitness staff and customers, particularly the young people and over 50’s. The Bounce Fitness staff has an even mixture of male and female employees, with an average age range of 19 to 43. About 20 percent of them speak English as a second language. Most of them directly work with customers. They will be able to reinforce the new brand and cultivate the Bounce Fitness image as a long-term wellness and health provider to current and prospective customers.

Customers who include the young people and over 50’s are the key targets of this proposal as they are likely looking to improve on their health and fitness. They are also the target market for ongoing membership which is highly tied to the business objective.

PART 1: Identify Communication requirements

Part 1 requires you to identify the requirements of communication by confirming the same with the relevant personnel of the organisation.

It consists of a simulated scenario and one (1) task which is further divided into Assignment A and B.

For Part 1, you must read the simulated scenario and complete the tasks in the order given. The task comes with a set of instructions to guide student to complete the following:

Task 1.1 Prepare and plan communication requirements


Your assesor will observe you during your role-play activity. Your assessor will complete the Observation Checklist, and the same will be submitted as evidence while your assessor observes the meeting with one (1) relevant personnel.

Task 1.1:

This task is divided into two (2) assignments (A and B) which requires you to identify communication requirements by working closely with the relevant personnel and according to the policies and procedures of Bounce Fitness as a simulated workplace.

In this assessment task, you must:

Read the simulated scenario and complete the tasks in the order given. The task comes with a set of instructions to guide you to complete the following:

Task 1.1 Prepare and plan communication requirements

Instructions for Assignment A:

In this assignment, you must:

Seek the assistance of the assessor to determine information which must be communicated within work area. This can include but is not limited to:

Work area refers to a specific department. (e.g., Marketing, Product Development, Finance, etc.)

When using Bounce Fitness as a simulated workplace environment, students will use the Part 1

A new product/service

Changes in a process

Your assessor will give approval for you to present material and communicate information on behalf of the organisation or work area.

Access and review the Bounce Fitness’s policies and procedures related to communicating workplace information. These must include the following:

Presenting information in the workplace.

Managing confidential information in the workplace Fitness as a simulated workplace environment, you will be assessed and you will need another student chosen by the assessor to play the role of the relevant personnel.

Arrange a meeting with the relevant personnel as specified in Point 2 Bounce Fitness as a simulated workplace environment to discuss the information to be presented in the organisation or work area.

Locate and use the Task 1.1 Authority to Represent Business Form template provided during the role play activity and complete the form by:

Identifying where the information will be communicated.

Indicate if this will be to the whole organisation or a specific work area only.

Identifying at least one (1) information to be communicated.

Outlining the organisational policy and procedures for communicating information in work area.

Discuss the information in the Task 1.1 Authority to Represent Business Form template. You will specifically discuss the following:

The information to be communicated

If the information will be communicated to the whole organisation or a specific work area only.

Procedures to be followed when communicating workplace information.

Ensure that your assessor signs and approves your Authority to Represent Business Form template. You will ensure that your assessor signs the declaration at the end of the template to confirm approval of your representation on behalf of the organisation or work area.

Instructions for Assignment B:

In this assignment, you must:

Locate the Task 1.1 Delivery Plan template provided.

Preparing the plan:

Identifying the name of the organisation or work area where information will be communicated.

Refer to the Authority to Represent Business Form

Identify at least one (1) purpose of the communication you will deliver to the organisation or work area.

Identify at least two (2) objectives of the communication to be delivered

Objectives are goals and situations the organisation wants to achieve from the meeting.

Identify at least two (2) desired outcomes from the communication

Desired outcomes are the results the organisation expects after the meeting.

Identify at least one (1) position in line with the purpose of communication.

Refer to the organisation’s take or opinion on the information

Identify the following to complete the context of communication:

The information to be communicated

At least one (1) confidential information involved

At least one (1) reason for confidentiality of information

Access and review the following documents relating to maintaining confidential information:

Privacy Act, including the Australian Privacy Principles

Ethical documents of the organisation relating to maintaining confidential information

Policies and Procedures of the organisation relating to maintaining confidential information

After reviewing the documents:

Identify the organisation’s policy on managing confidential information and outline its procedures

Identify the legal document on maintaining confidentiality within the organisation

Identify at least two (2) legal responsibilities on maintaining confidentiality

Refer to the Australian Privacy Principles under the Privacy Act

Identify the ethical document on maintaining confidentiality of information within the organisation

Identify at least two (2) ethical responsibilities on maintaining confidentiality based on this document.

Identify the following to prepare information on the target stakeholders.

Stakeholders are the people within or outside the organisation who will be impacted by the information to be communicated.

At least two (2) target groups who will be included in the meeting

For each target group, briefly explain why they are chosen to participate in the meeting.

At least two (2) information the target stakeholder groups need to understand first before being able to participate in the meeting fully.

You are not required to submit the Task 1.1 Delivery Plan template just yet. You will submit the same after completing the succeeding task.

You will leave the ‘Requirements of the stakeholders’ and ‘Forums to present information’ sections of the Task 1.1 Delivery Plan template blank which will be completed in succeeding task.


Before commencing the task:

You are not required to submit the Task 1.1 Delivery Plan template just yet. You will submit the same after completing the succeeding task.

You will leave the ‘Requirements of the stakeholders’ and ‘Forums to present information’ sections of the Task 1.1 Delivery Plan template blank which will be completed in succeeding task.

During the task:

You must:

Communicate with the relevant personnel and discuss the information that will be presented in Bounce Fitness.

The role played by you:

Centre Manager

The role played by other students:

One (1) individual playing the role of relevant personnel

Role-play activity duration:

It Will last for approximately 15 mins

Things to keep in mind whilst playing the role of a Centre Manager:

Know your role and what is expected of you.

Know the company's background (Bounce Fitness) and ensure that you have the necessary documentation ready.

Role-play script for Centre Manager:

During the meeting, you must:

Use the Task 1.1 Authority to represent business form template and discuss and confirm the following information with the relevant personnel:

The information to be communicated.

The procedure to communicate the workplace information by reviewing the Task 1.1 Communication Policy at Bounce Fitness.

Take a declaration from the relevant personnel before the meeting ends.

Role-play script for Relevant Personnel

Student playing the role of the relevant personnel must:

Support the Centre Manager and clarify information where needed.

Sign the Task 1.1 Authority to represent business form template before the meeting ends.

observation checklist

Observation Checklist Part 1 Task 1.1

To be completed by the assessor

During the project, did you observe the student demonstrate the task deliverables as follows:

Was the student's performance satisfactory?

1. Used active listening to seek information and confirm understanding of the information to be communicated. This is evidenced by:

· Yes

· No

Paraphrase the information before responding to the person’s query.

Ask questions to the person to clarify what was said.

Avoid interruption of the speaker

First additional attempt (Tick this option, if required)

· Yes

· No

Second additional attempt (Tick this option, if required)

· Yes

· No

2. Used active questioning to seek information and confirm understanding of the information to be communicated. This is evidenced by:

· Yes

· No

Use funnel questions to get into the details of the information

Avoid leading questions, and/or yes and no questions

First additional attempt (Tick this option, if required)

· Yes

· No

Second additional attempt (Tick this option, if required)

· Yes

· No

3. Adapted personal communication style to build trust and respect for the opinions and values of the supervisor/relevant personnel. This is evidenced by:

· Yes

· No

Encourage the supervisor/relevant personnel to share their opinions regarding the information to be communicated.

Recognise and consider the supervisor/relevant personnel’s opinion in deciding details of information to communicate.

First additional attempt (Tick this option, if required)

· Yes

· No

Second additional attempt (Tick this option, if required)

· Yes

· No

4. Adjusted vocabulary language to maintain the effectiveness of the interaction. This is evidenced by:

· Yes

· No

Consider the age, gender, education, level, etc. of the supervisor/relevant personnel

Use terms commonly used in the organisation

First additional attempt (Tick this option, if required)

· Yes

· No

Second additional attempt (Tick this option, if required)

· Yes

· No

Assessor comments (Please provide detailed comments on the student's performance)

Assessment Outcome (Assessor to tick the appropriate outcome)




Not Satisfactory


Not Completed

Assessor Comments

Assessor Signature

Assessment Date

Student Signature

PART 2: Negotiate to achieve agreed outcome

The Project (Part 2) consist of a scenario overview with a set of four (4) tasks. You are required to read the individual scenario for Task 2.1 and Task 2.2 and complete the tasks that includes role play activity.

You must read the Scenario Overview for Part 2 and complete the tasks in the order given. Each task comes with a set of instructions to guide you in completing the following:

Task 2.1 Prepare presentation for the information to be negotiated to the target stake holder groups.

Task 2.2 Deliver presentation.

Task 2.3 Follow up.

Task 2.4 Evaluate presentation.

Your assessor will observe you during your PowerPoint presentation activity.

Your assessor will complete the Observation Checklist, and the same will be submitted as evidence while you conduct the meeting and deliver the PowerPoint presentation. You will have at least four (4) other students chosen by the assessor to play the role of stake holders.

Scenario Task 2.2

After discussing about the rebranding plan proposed by the CEO (in task 2.1), it must be communicated with its staff and the representatives of its target market to determine their initial feedback regarding the plan. Bounce Fitness believes that relevant stakeholders must be informed about any major changes that are happening in the organisation.

Task 2.2: Deliver presentation

This task requires you to read the scenario for Task 2.2 given above and complete the role play activity to deliver the PowerPoint presentation developed in Task 2.1 to the two (2) target stake holder groups that includes two (2) internal and two (2) external stakeholders.

In this assessment task, you must:

Arrange a meeting with two (2) target stake holder groups to discuss the identified information to be communicated. You will use the presentation material developed by them in Task 2.1. to aid in discussing the relevant information. When using Bounce Fitness as a simulated workplace, you are required to read the Task 2.2 Presenting the Brand Character Brief for the role play activity.

During the meeting, you must:

Communicate and discuss all the information as specified in the presentation material. You will use the Task 2.2 Meeting Minutes template to record the discussions and outcome.

Identify and discuss at least two (2) areas of common ground regarding the information communicated.

Areas of common ground are the points of discussion the stakeholders agree on. These areas do not cause any arguments or issues among them.

Identify at least two (2) areas of potential compromise regarding the decisions on the information being communicated.

Potential compromise is the point of discussion the stakeholders initially disagree on but eventually reach an agreement after discussing.

Summarise the outcome of meeting with the stake holders and ensure the stake holders are given a PDF copy of the Meeting Minutes and summary of the meeting via email correspondence.

Send an email correspondence the summary of the meeting and the Meeting Minutes to the stake holders. You must also ensure the stake holders send an acknowledgement of the email received.

The email correspondence must include the following:

Date when the email was sent.

Acknowledgement of the stake holder.

Submit the Meeting Minutes template, PDF copy of email correspondence.


Before commencing the task:

You must ensure that you have the Task 2.2 Meeting Minutes template available.

You and other students (chosen by the assessor) participating in the meeting are required to read the task 2.2 Presenting the brand Character brief.

During the task:

You must:

Conduct a meeting with four (4) stake holders where you deliver the presentation developed by you in Task 2.1.

The role played by you:

Centre Manager

The role played by other students:

Four (4) individuals playing the role of Stake holders.

Role-play activity duration:

It Will last for approximately 15 mins

Things to keep in mind whilst playing the role of a Centre Manager:

Know your role and what is expected of you.

Know the company's background (Bounce Fitness) and ensure that you have the necessary documentation ready.

Role-play script for Centre Manager:

During the meeting, you must:

Deliver the PowerPoint presentation and discuss the information to be communicated to the stake holders as developed in your presentation in Task 2.1

During the meeting, you must:

Encourage the stake holders to ask questions and clarify the same

Summarise the outcomes of the negotiation based on the outcomes of common ground and potential compromise

Record the details using the task 2.2 meeting minutes template.

Role-play script for external stakeholders

Student playing the role of external stakeholders’ must contribute the following points during the role play activity:

Not that comfortable with the rebranding because other people from the target market might think that the organisation has changed its identity.

There should be different design options for the redesigned

shirts such as no sleeves, short sleeves, and long sleeves shirts.

One (1) external stakeholder likes the new shirt design.

One (1) stakeholder feels like the design be slightly revised to suit the older people’s preferences.

Opinions on the redesigning must be considered.

How can one get updates on the revised design of the logo?

Role-play script for Internal stakeholders

Student playing the role of internal stakeholders’ must contribute the following points during the role play activity:

Logo does not represent the brand.

Like the shirt design but there must be options for sleeves.

Propose winter jackets for future as well.

Design to be applied to the interior of the facility for branding purpose.

Where and how to share the information discussed during the meeting.

Date of presentation of the new t-shirt design.

observation checklist

Observation Checklist Part 2 Task 2.1, 2.2

To be completed by the assessor

During the project, did you observe the student demonstrate the task deliverables as follows:

Was the student's performance satisfactory?

1. Used active listening to seek information and confirm understanding of the presentation. This is evidenced by:

· Yes

· No

Paraphrase the information before responding to the person’s query.

Ask questions to the person to clarify what was said.

Avoid interruption of the speaker.

Refrain from having side conversations with the other stakeholders

First additional attempt (Tick this option, if required)

· Yes

· No

Second additional attempt (Tick this option, if required)

· Yes

· No

2. Used active questioning to seek information and confirm understanding of the presentation. This is evidenced by:

· Yes

· No

Use funnel questions to get into the details of the information

Use open questions to gather the opinions of the stakeholders

First additional attempt (Tick this option, if required)

· Yes

· No

Second additional attempt (Tick this option, if required)

· Yes

· No

3. Followed relevant conventions in conducting the meeting. This is evidenced by:

· Yes

· No

Prepare the presentation material prior to the start of the meeting

Confirm attendance of stakeholders invited

Keep the focus of the meeting into the agenda

First additional attempt (Tick this option, if required)

· Yes

· No

Second additional attempt (Tick this option, if required)

· Yes

· No

4. Followed relevant protocols in conducting the meeting. This is evidenced by:

· Yes

· No

Clarify the goal of the meeting prior to starting

Explain each point of discussion clearly.

Disclose that only the management will have the authority to release this information.

First additional attempt (Tick this option, if required)

· Yes

· No

Second additional attempt (Tick this option, if required)

· Yes

· No

5. Demonstrated control over oral, visual, and/or written formats to achieve goals. This is evidenced by:

· Yes

· No

Use the presentation material to present information to the target stakeholder groups.

Use the presentation material to help the stakeholders visualise the information to be communicated.

First additional attempt (Tick this option, if required)

· Yes

· No

Second additional attempt (Tick this option, if required)

· Yes

· No

6. Took the lead in negotiating, collaborating, and presenting persuasively to stakeholders. This is evidenced by:

· Yes

· No

Establish what they want to achieve at the end of the meeting

Discuss the advantages of the information being presented

Persuade the stakeholders that the information has a lot of advantages to bring to the business

First additional attempt (Tick this option, if required)

· Yes

· No

Second additional attempt (Tick this option, if required)

· Yes

· No

7. Adjusted language and presentation features to maintain the effectiveness of interaction. This is evidenced by:

· Yes

· No

Use simple English terms to accommodate the target stakeholder groups.

Apply the appropriate tone, style, and structure of communication identified when presenting to the stakeholders

First additional attempt (Tick this option, if required)

· Yes

· No

Second additional attempt (Tick this option, if required)

· Yes

· No

8. Demonstrated high-level conflict resolution skills and the ability to engage stakeholders. This is evidenced by:

· Yes


Pay attention to the issues/concerns expressed by the stakeholders and act to address them.

Find common ground and compromise for the satisfaction of all stakeholders.

First additional attempt (Tick this option, if required)

· Yes

· No

Second additional attempt (Tick this option, if required)

· Yes

· No

9. Used analytical processes to evaluate options, solve problems, and make decisions regarding the rebranding. This is evidenced by:

· Yes

· No

Ask the stakeholders’ opinion to find more options in solving the disagreements that arose

Find the most workable solution that all stakeholders agree with

First additional attempt (Tick this option, if required)

· Yes

· No

Second additional attempt (Tick this option, if required)

· Yes

· No

10. Provided an opportunity for the stakeholder groups to ask questions. This is evidenced by:

· Yes

· No

Encourage the stakeholders to ask questions about the presentation

Ask the stakeholders if they can clarify any information not clear to the stakeholders

First additional attempt (Tick this option, if required)

· Yes

· No

Second additional attempt (Tick this option, if required)

· Yes

· No

11. Adapted personal communication style to build trust with the stakeholders and show respect and value for their opinions. This is evidenced by:

· Yes

· No

Listen to the concerns of the stakeholders

Open themselves in accepting criticisms on their proposal regarding the information

First additional attempt Tick this option, if required)

· Yes

· No

Second additional attempt (Tick this option, if required)

· Yes

· No

12. Understood information needs of others. This is evidenced by:

· Yes

· No

Provide presentation material that will brief the stakeholders about the information to be discussed

Give time for the stakeholders to clarify their concerns regarding the information

First additional attempt (Tick this option, if required)

· Yes

· No

Second additional attempt (Tick this option, if required)

· Yes

· No

13. Presented reliable information. This is evidenced by:

· Yes

· No

Introduce the information authorised by the person in authority

Discuss the requirements and desired outcomes given by the target stakeholder groups

Discuss the information prepared in the Delivery Plan

First additional attempt (Tick this option, if required)

· Yes

· No

Second additional attempt (Tick this option, if required)

· Yes

· No

14. Answered questions clearly and concisely. This is evidenced by:

· Yes

· No

Keep the response focused on the details of the question

Inform the stakeholder if they will need further information to respond to the question

Summarise the ideas in a short but meaningful response

First additional attempt (Tick this option, if required)

· Yes

· No

Second additional attempt (Tick this option, if required)

· Yes

· No

Assessor comments (Please provide detailed comments on the student's performance)

Assessment Outcome (Assessor to tick the appropriate outcome)




Not Satisfactory


Not Completed

Assessor Comments

Assessor Signature

Assessment Date

Student Signature

Task 2.3: Follow-up

This task requires you to follow up with the stake holders regarding the meeting conducted in Task 2.2.

In this task, you must:

Send an email to each member of their target stake holder group involved in the meeting in Task 2.2. You will send a follow-up email regarding any issues and concerns you had but did not raise during the meeting in Task 2.2.

This is to ensure all the stakeholders’ further concerns are addressed, even after the meeting. Follow-ups can include but not limited to the following:

a. Further issues and concerns

b. Further suggestions or recommendations

c. Further actions they want to happen

Send an email correspondence as a response as to what actions will be taken to address action items that the stakeholders have regarding the discussion.

The PDF copy of the student’s email correspondence with each member of their target stakeholder groups to the assessor must contain the following information:

a. Date when the email was sent

b. Response of the stakeholders regarding any follow-ups

Your’ response as to what actions will be taken to address further issues, concerns, suggestions, or actions the stakeholders have.

Task 2.4: Evaluate presentation

This task requires you to evaluate your own presentation and complete the Evaluation form.

In this task, you must:

Locate the Task 2.4 Evaluation Form template provided and complete the form. You must identify the following based on the presentation meeting conducted during Task 2.2:

Areas of improvement must be based on the identified two circumstances that did not go well. You must address these circumstances to avoid repeating them.

At least two (2) aspects/areas of the presentation that went well

At least two (2) aspects/areas of the presentation that did not go well

At least two (2) areas of improvement for the presentation

Complete the Task 2.4 Evaluation form template and submit the same to the Assessor.

Task 3: Participate in and lead meetings.

The Project (Part 3) consist of a Scenario where you are required to conduct and lead two (2) meetings.

This part will require you to prepare for, participate in, and lead meetings at least two occasions. Specifically, you will be required to:

Identify opportunities to undertake at least two meetings

Prepare meeting materials for each of the two meetings

Undertake the meetings and summarise outcomes

Distribute outcomes of the meetings to stakeholders

Each task comes with a set of instructions to guide you in completing the following:

Task 3.1 Participate in and lead meetings.

Task 3.2 Undertake the meetings.

Your assessor will observe you during your task of undertaking the meeting. Your assessor will complete the Observation Checklist, and the same will be submitted as evidence while you conduct the meeting. You will have at least two (2) other students chosen by your assessor to play the role of stake holders.

Scenario Part 3.1 and Task 3.2 Focus on Objectives and Expansion

Scenario Overview:

You are the Administration Manager of the Bounce Fitness Head Office in Cairns. You are tasked by the CEO to prepare and lead two meetings in your centre to discuss the key focus of the organisation for the next quarter. The two key focuses are linked to the organisation’s business objectives:

Increasing market penetration by 15% through the utilisation of marketing strategies

Continue to cultivate the image as a premier long-term wellness program provider

Meeting 1

The Board noticed the Sydney and Melbourne centres are falling behind in terms of the number of customer subscriptions. It was proposed that both centres increase their customer base by employing various marketing strategies.

As the Administration Manager for the Cairns centre, you need to inform and guide the managers of the Sydney and Melbourne centres in increasing their customer subscriptions. You must discuss marketing strategies they can employ for their respective centres to achieve the business objective of increasing market penetration by 15% and also to increase their customer base, as stated above.

Meeting 2

After reviewing the 20xx Strategic Plan, the Board is looking at a new business opportunity to penetrate the food industry. The organisation wants to evolve by expanding their focus on offered products and services.

As Administration Manager for the Cairns centre, you thought it would be good to gather innovative ideas from the organisation’s Fitness Instructor and Marketing Employee. This is regarding potential business opportunities to achieve one of the business objectives for the incoming quarter, which is to continue to cultivate the image as a premier long-term wellness program provider.

You will access the below mentioned documentation to assist them in presenting Meeting 1 and Meeting 2:

Task 3.1 Business Objectives and KPI.

Task 3.1 Improving the business character brief.

Task 3.1 Improving the business Project brief.

Task 3.1: Prepare for the meetings

This task requires you to review the Scenario for Meeting 1 and Meeting 2. You are also required to prepare the necessary documentation for the meetings that you will lead.

In this assessment task, you must:

Review the Scenario for Meeting 1 and Meeting 2. You are also required to prepare the necessary documentation for the meetings that you will lead.

This can be any meeting conducted in the Institute, e.g., brief about a new project, business consultation, team catch-up, etc.

Access to at least two (2) other students chosen by the assessor to assume the roles of stakeholders for each meeting.

The two students can be the same people for the two meetings, but they must undertake two different roles for each meeting to be conducted.

Conduct the meeting with the stake holders as per your availability to attend each meeting and you are required to check the availability of the meeting.

Check the availability and communicate meeting information of the stake holder, you are required to send email correspondence to each stake holder with the following information and note it down in the Task 3.1 Communications Log template.

The purpose of each meeting

The objective of each meeting

The target date of each meeting

Prepare the following required materials for each meeting, based on the Task 3.1 Improving the Business Project Brief:

Business Objectives and KPI

Research conducted on the following:

Benefits of having a healthy café

Focus points of Meeting 1 and 2

Project Briefs

Meeting Minutes with previous action items


Other documents that the stakeholders involved need to review

Once each stakeholder has confirmed their availability, you will send them an email invite each informing them of the following:

Purpose of the meeting

At least one (1) objective of each meeting

Date and time of each meeting, set accordingly to agreed availability

Location of the meeting, according to the preferred mode of the meeting

Attached meeting materials

Submit copies of email correspondence containing the responses of the stakeholders per invite to the assessor.

Submit the following to your Assessor:

Evidence of enquiry of each stakeholder’s availability. This includes:

PDF copy of email correspondence containing the stakeholders’ response regarding their available date, time, and preferred mode of meeting.

Communication Log template indicating the time and date of meeting with each relevant stakeholder, and their response regarding their available date, time, and preferred mode of the meeting.

PDF copy of email correspondence containing the stakeholders’ confirmation of their attendance for the meeting.

PDF copy of email correspondence sending an email invite to the stake holders.

Task 3.2: Undertake the meetings

This task requires you to participate and lead two (2) meetings as specified in Scenario Task 3.1 and Task 3.2.

In this assessment task, you must:

Arrange each of the meetings as specified in Scenario Task 3.1 and Task 3.2 /meeting conducted at institute as identified in Task 3.1 with two (2) other students chosen by the assessor playing the stakeholders to discuss each information identified in the previous task. The date and time of each meeting must correspond to the confirmed meeting invite as emailed to the stake holder in Task 3.1. The prepared meeting materials must be brought to each of the meetings.

Access the Task 3.1 Improving the Business Character brief, Task 3.1 Business Objectives and KPI and the research conducted on the following:

Benefits of having a healthy café

Focus points of Meeting.

Conduct each meeting and:

Discuss the following information:

The purpose of the meeting

At least one (1) objective of the meeting

At least one (1) issue that needs to be resolved in line with the identified objective of the meeting

Seek consensus on the outcomes of each meeting based on the issue discussed.

At least two (2) agreed outcomes must be included in this discussion.

Summarise the outcomes of the meeting.

Summary must contain the solutions and steps you and the stakeholders have decided to undertake for the execution of the business proposal.

Use two (2) separate Task 3.2 Meeting Minutes template for Meeting 1 and Meeting 2.

Ensure that you and the stakeholders contribute to the discussion by:

Asking questions about the information

Presenting own opinions

Listening to the other stakeholders’ statements

Providing possible solutions for the concerns of the stakeholders

Distribute a copy of the Meeting Minutes template for Meeting 1 and Meeting 2 to each of the participating stakeholders via email. You will need to submit a PDF copy of the email correspondence. The email you will send must include the following:

Date when the email was sent

This must show that the email was sent after each meeting was conducted.

a. Summary of outcomes of each corresponding meeting.

Submit the following to the Assessor:

Two Meeting Minutes template – one for each meeting undertaken (Meeting 1 and Meeting 2)

PDF copy of the email correspondence containing the summary of outcomes of each corresponding meeting.


Before commencing the task:

You must ensure that you have two (2) meeting minutes ready for use during the meeting.

You will review Task 3.2 Improving the business Project brief and Task 3.2 Improving the business Character brief.

During the task:

You must:

Use the Task 3.2 Meeting Minutes template 1 and 2 to record the discussions during the meeting with stakeholders.

The role played by you:

Administration Manager

The role played by other students:


Role-play activity duration:

It Will last for approximately 30 mins

Things to keep in mind whilst playing the role of a Centre Manager:

Know your role and what is expected of you.

Know the company's background (Bounce Fitness) and ensure that you have the necessary documentation ready.

Role-play script for Centre Manager:

During the meeting as an administration manager, you must:

Discuss the following:

Purpose of the meeting.

Objective of the meeting.

One (1) issue that needs to be resolved in line with the identified objective of the meeting.

Summarise the outcomes of the meeting.

Role-play script for stakeholders

Student playing the role of stakeholders’ must:

Ask questions during the meetings.

Present your own opinions.

Listen to the other stake holder opinions and statements.

Discuss and provide possible solutions to the concerns of other stake holders.

observation checklist

Observation Checklist Part 3 Task 3.1, 3.2

To be completed by the assessor

During the project, did you observe the student demonstrate the task deliverables as follows:

Was the student's performance satisfactory?

1. Used active listening to seek information and understanding of the meeting. This is evidenced by:

· Yes

· No

Allow the stakeholders to voice out their sides regarding the information

Consider the opinions of the stakeholders in achieving consensus on the outcomes

Refrain from conversing with other stakeholders when someone is speaking during the meeting

Avoid doing unnecessary actions such as checking mobile phone, etc.

First additional attempt (Tick this option, if required)

· Yes

· No

Second additional attempt (Tick this option, if required)

· Yes

· No

2. Use active questioning to seek information and understanding of the meeting. This is evidenced by:

· Yes

· No

Use funnel questions to achieve consensus on the outcomes of the meeting

Use open questions to gather the opinions of the stakeholders

First additional attempt (Tick this option, if required)

· Yes

· No

Second additional attempt (Tick this option, if required)

· Yes

· No

3. Used relevant communication protocols in the meeting. This is evidenced by:

· Yes

· No

Introduce what the meeting is about

Let the stakeholders take turns in speaking

Avoid using negative words when disagreeing with a proposed solution

First additional attempt (Tick this option, if required)

· Yes

· No

Second additional attempt (Tick this option, if required)

· Yes

· No

4. Contributed to the discussions. This is evidenced by:

· Yes

· No

Ask questions about the information

Present own opinion regarding the information

Provide possible solutions for the issue of the meeting

First additional attempt (Tick this option, if required)

· Yes

· No

Second additional attempt (Tick this option, if required)

· Yes

· No

5. Used analytical processes to achieve consensus on outcomes of the meetings. This is evidenced by:

· Yes

· No

Identify the issue of the stakeholders regarding the information.

Come up with several possible options for the solution of the issue.

Decide on a solution that everybody agrees with.

First additional attempt (Tick this option, if required)

· Yes

· No

Second additional attempt (Tick this option, if required)

· Yes

· No

6. Lead the discussion in the meetings demonstrating the ability to engage and motivate the stakeholders. This is evidenced by:

· Yes

· No

Ask questions to the stakeholders directly to encourage them to voice their opinions

Propose solutions while considering the opinions of the stakeholders

First additional attempt (Tick this option, if required)

· Yes

· No

Second additional attempt (Tick this option, if required)

· Yes

· No

7. Adapted personal communication style to build trust with the stakeholders and show respect and value for their opinions. This is evidenced by:

· Yes

· No

Listen to the concerns of the stakeholders

Include the opinions of the stakeholders in achieving an outcome for the meeting

First additional attempt (Tick this option, if required)

· Yes

· No

Second additional attempt (Tick this option, if required)

· Yes

· No

8. Used relevant vocabulary language to maintain the effectiveness of the interaction with the stakeholders. This is evidenced by:

· Yes


Avoid using technical terms unfamiliar to the stakeholders involved in the meeting

Use standard English and followed the rules of grammar to avoid miscommunication

First additional attempt (Tick this option, if required)

· Yes

· No

Second additional attempt (Tick this option, if required)

· Yes

· No

9. Answered questions clearly and concisely. This is evidenced by:

· Yes

· No

Avoid the use of filler words for stalling such as “uhm”, “so”, “like”

Explain in a short but meaningful answer

Answer only what is asked and did not stray from the context of the question

First additional attempt (Tick this option, if required)

· Yes

· No

Second additional attempt (Tick this option, if required)

· Yes

· No

Assessor comments (Please provide detailed comments on the student's performance)

Assessment Outcome (Assessor to tick the appropriate outcome)




Not Satisfactory


Not Completed

Assessor Comments

Assessor Signature

Assessment Date

AT2- Project – Overall Result

AT2 Assessment Tasks

Has it been completed and attached?


Part 1

Task 1.1 Prepare and Plan Communication requirements.

· Yes

· No

· Yes

· No

Part 2

Task 2.1 Prepare presentation for the information to be negotiated to the target stakeholder groups.

· Yes

· No

· Yes

· No

Task 2.2 Deliver presentation.

· Yes

· No

· Yes

· No

Task 2.3 Follow up.

· Yes

· No

· Yes

· No

Task 2.4 Evaluate presentation.

· Yes

· No

· Yes

· No

Part 3

Task 3.1 Prepare for the meeting

· Yes

· No

· Yes

· No

Task 3.2 Undertake the meetings

· Yes

· No

· Yes

· No

Overall outcome of the assessment

· Satisfactory

· Not satisfactory

Feedback to Student:

Student Signature


Assessor Signature


competency record summary sheet

Unit Name and Code

BSBCMM511- Communicate with Influence

Student’s Name

Student’s ID

Assessor Name

Date of Completion



Assessor must tick the appropriate option for each assessment task.

Please note: Student is required to be marked ‘Satisfactory’ in all assessment tasks to be deemed competent for this unit.


Not Yet Satisfactory

Not Completed

Assessment Task 1: Knowledge Test




Assessment Task 2: Project





Unit Outcome:

Assessor to tick the appropriate option

· Competent

· Not Competent

Is re-assessment required:

Assessor to tick the appropriate option

· Yes

· No

Assessor Signature:



appendix 1

ASOC will conduct this assessment on its campus by setting a simulated business environment where the conditions are typical of those in a working environment in this industry.

This includes access to:

Workplace documentation and resources relevant to performance evidence

Organisation information, including organisational structure, goals, objectives and plans.

Assessors of this unit must satisfy the requirements for assessors in applicable vocational education and training legislation, frameworks and/or standards.

Copyright: Instructions in this tool have been developed by NTA and ASOC for sole purpose of use by ASOC. Any part of these assessment instructions cannot be reproduced in full or part for without approval of ASOC and NTA which holds authorship rights.

M.S Aviation Pty Ltd trading as Australian School of Commerce Name of the Document- BSBCMM511 Candidate Assessment Tool Version no:1.0 Page 1 of 13



