
How would you conceptualize and operationalize your IV and DV?

How would you conceptualize and operationalize your IV and DV?

11. Methodology 1

Due: 11/19


1. Conceptualization

2. Operationalization

How would you conceptualize and operationalize your IV and DV?



Conceptualization: The process of defining concepts 

Operationalization: The process which decides the way concepts will be measured 


How would you conceptualize and operationalize your IV and DV? 

IV: police officers’ feelings of feeling burned out (S3Q51R) 

Conceptualization: psychological state characterized by emotional and physical exhaustion, depersonalization, and reduced professional efficacy   

Operationalization: Usage of Validated instruments BAT-C and JDI (which assesses occupational satisfaction, linked to stimulating/contributing to burnout). Surveys/interviews of officers’ feelings and relationship changes pre and post-employment. 

DV: difficulty concentrating on job (S5Q113)?  

Conceptualization: Hindrance/Impairments of executive and cognitive functioning 

Operationalization: Methods for accessing the ability to concentrate may be done using continuous performance tests such as

a. Stroop: Individuals are instructed to say the color of the word, not the word (measurement of cognitive interference and selective attention)  

a. NBACK assesses WM (Working memory) and capacity by having an individual indicate when a stimulus matches one from earlier steps in the sequence 

Other dimensions of testing may objectively assess

1. Decision Making

a. The Cognitive reflection test assesses individuals’ ability to suppress an intuitive and spontaneous and engage in higher system thinking for a reflective and deliberate answer.  

a. Iowa gambling task: people begin with a principal and are instructed to make a profit on a choice system between “high and low risk” decks; measures the delay (uncertainty) in decision making, ability to delay short-term gratification to achieve long-term gratification (Suhr & Tsanadis, 2007) 

2. Impulsitivity

a. Barratt Impulsiveness Scale is a brief 30-question self-report rated on a four-point scale that assesses (6) first and (3) second-order factors. 

a. UPPS-P Impulsive behavior scale, a 59-item self-report assessing urgency, premeditation, perseverance, sensation seeking, and positive urgency measuring impulsivity.


Suhr, J. A., & Tsanadis, J. (2007). Affect and personality correlates of the Iowa Gambling Task. Personality and Individual Differences, 43(1), 27-36. 

J. H. Patton, M. S. Stanford, and E. S. Barratt (1995). Factor structure of the Barratt impulsiveness scale. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 51, 768-774.