
HSE 430 Case Study: Internal Safeguards

HSE 430 Case Study: Internal Safeguards

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HSE 430 Case Study: Internal Safeguards

In a 300-word case study, identify how polygraphs are used as an internal safeguard in the intelligence community. Discuss problems in counter-intelligence and identify some specific cases where spies or moles were identified who engaged in espionage. Explore the use of propaganda, deep fakes, and disinformation as forms of covert actions. Use specific examples from our textbook. Your case study should be supported with properly APA formatted references.

 Case Study: Internal Safeguards Rubric


10 points

20 points

30 points

Word Count

The case study was between 200-250 words.

The case study was between 250-300 words.

The case study was at least 300 words.


A limited overview of the use of polygraphs as an internal safeguard in the intelligence community and problems in counter-intelligence was provided. Few specific examples of spies and moles engaged in espionage and the use of propaganda, deep fakes, and disinformation as forms of covert actions were provided with limited detail.

Mostly assessed the use of polygraphs as an internal safeguard in the intelligence community and problems in counter-intelligence. Some specific examples of spies and moles engaged in espionage and the use of propaganda, deep fakes, and disinformation as forms of covert actions were mostly assessed.

Fully assessed the use of polygraphs as an internal safeguard in the intelligence community and problems in counter-intelligence. Specific examples of spies and moles engaged in espionage and the use of propaganda, deep fakes, and disinformation as forms of covert actions were fully assessed.

5 points

10 points

20 points

APA Style

APA formatting style is generally effective but contains one major error, or frequent minor errors

Uses APA formatting/style with only a few minor, infrequent errors

Uses APA formatting accurately and consistently

Mechanics, Grammar, and Proofing

Some significant or frequent errors present

Occasional minor errors do not distract the reader

Virtually free of mechanical, grammatical, punctuation, and spelling errors