
Infant and Toddler Parent Handout

Infant and Toddler Parent Handout

Infant and Toddler Parent Handout

Throughout this course, you will be creating a series of parent handouts focused on the various ages and stages of development. The third week of class has focused on infancy and toddlerhood; therefore, this will be the focus of your Week 3 assignment. Continuing with the same template from your Week 1 Theory Parent Handout assignment and your Week 2 Prenatal and Newborn Parent Handout, complete the slides for the Week 3 portion.

To prepare:

For your assignment, complete the following:


  • Discuss how cognitive and language development are connected.
  • Summarize how motor development influences infant and toddler social experiences.
  • Describe how you will create a learning environment that fosters the development of self-regulation, secure attachment, and self-control.
  • Explain three resources for families to support them during the infant and toddler stage of development. Be sure to include a link to each resource.
    • One resource should be a quick read for families on the go.
    • One resource should be more detailed for families who want to learn more.
    • One resource should be user-friendly for diverse families (e.g., ELL, single parents, grandparents raising grandchildren, etc.).


  • Explain your role as an educator in providing developmental activities that support physical, cognitive, and social-emotional growth from 2 months to 2 years.
  • Describe what it means to be a socially-emotionally competent infant and toddler caregiver.
  • Discuss how you will foster relationships that promote cognitive and language development in infants and toddlers.

The Infant and Toddler Parent Handout paper

  • Must be three pages in length and formatted according to template.
  • Must utilize academic voice. See the Academic VoiceLinks to an external site. resource for additional guidance.
  • Must use at least two scholarly sources in addition to the course text. These scholarly resources should be different than the resources provided for families. Must follow APA StyleLinks to an external site. as outlined in the Writing Center.