
Module 3: Project Assignment

Module 3: Project Assignment

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Module 3: Project Assignment

Project Assignment: Identify three user issues with an EHR and create a problem statement. 

Part 1: Voice of the Customer: To start your usability and UX project, you need to collect the voice of the customer. Here are two methods you can use:

1. Talk to an EHR user and ask for three things they don’t like or have issues with. If you work at a healthcare facility, you can talk to an EHR user there. If you don’t work at a healthcare facility, you can visit it and ask to speak to someone who uses the EHR and ask for three complaints or issues about the EHR they are using.

2. Visit a website like Software Advice
https://www.softwareadvice.com/medical/ or Caoterra
https://www.capterra.com/electronic-medical-records-software/ with customer reviews. Navigate to the customer reviews and look for 3 cons or complaints that customers have about the software. 







Software Advice (
https://www.softwareadvice.com/medical / )

A screenshot of a website  Description automatically generatedrra

Click on the link that takes you to the reviews. 

Note: If you have other methods to get the customer’s voice, let me know.

It’s best to look for three complaints that are similar or about the same function. Submit these three statements for Part 1

Part 2: Problem Statement

Develop a Problem Statement based on the 3 complaints.

A good problem statement describes the current state and needs to be relatable for someone reading the description to feel the pain that the customer is experiencing. It also needs to describe the impact on the customer and the organization. It should be measurable, and identify the goal and what it would be like if the problem were resolved. 

Note – Generative AI-restricted assignment
