
Portfolio Project Format – AML 2600 Online

Portfolio Project Format – AML 2600 Online

African American eras

Portfolio Project Format – AML 2600 Online

Your Portfolio Project is a two-part assignment. Part One will consist

of Eras 1-4 and Part Two will consist of Eras 5-7. The due dates are listed on

your class syllabus.

What Will You Include In Each Part (Part 1 and Part 2?

• A review of each era.

• At least three illustrations about each era.

What Should You Include In Each Review?

• Each era review must be a minimum of two full typed pages and not

longer than three full typed pages.

• The reviews must be double-spaced, using a legible type style and a

font size of 12 or 14.

• The reviews must be in paragraph/essay format.

• QUOTATIONS: Do not include more than two brief quotations from

the textbook.

• This is to be your writing, in your own words/voice.

• Additionally, this is not a research assignment. When using quotations

from the textbook, cite the page number of a quote in parentheses. e. g.,

(36). Do not use outside sources.

• Each review must include the following:

o Introduction and thesis: In the introduction, summarize the

main theme of the era.

o Main points: Explain three or four major points of the era that

interested you the most and explain why the points interested

you. In other words, what gave you new insights or perspectives

on the era? What did you learn about this period/episode of


Conclusion: In your conclusion, answer this question: Would you

recommend the reading of this era to a friend or family member?

Explain why or why not?

What Kind Of Illustrations Can You Include With Each Era?

• You can include photos, drawings, paintings, article clippings, maps

etc. In other words, include anything that will give a visual of the era.

• These items can be obtained from the internet, or from your personal

files, etc. You will cut and paste them into your assignment.

• Each illustration must be identified as to how/why it connects with that

era, and from where you obtained the illustration. Type this in 1-3

sentences underneath each illustration. Example: This is a picture of

Alice Walker, an author from this era. I found the picture on Google.

A Final, But Very Important Note

Even though this assignment will not be collected until the end of the

semester, I encourage you to work on this project progressively, as it will take

time for you to write the reviews and collect the illustrations for each era. For

example, once we have completed Era #1, it is suggested that you complete

Era #1’s review and illustrations. Please do not wait until the end of the

semester to begin this assignment. If you do, your task will be a very arduous

one. This assignment is a major part of your final grade (20% – See course

syllabus.). It can be very stressful if you wait until the end of the semester to

begin this assignment.

Much Success!