
Research & Evaluation #2

Research & Evaluation #2


Research & Evaluation  #2 (R&E  #2), If you were to flash back to Research & Evaluation  #1, it tells you that you are to use the same format here as you used there. You may forego that requirement. I SAY AGAIN…disregard the specific requirement of a cover page, abstract, sources, etc. Okay? This is an addendum to R&E #1: The Addendum is as follows (just like on a real job):

On one page only, 1.5 inch spacing, NOT double spaced, I want you to write me a Proposal (this is not a big formal one, so I am keeping my word that we are doing a Proposal—this one here is a “smidgen” of one, so no page-after-page proposal!).  In this proposal, at the top of the page, I want you to do the following:

My Proposal of How I Plan to Use a Survey to Collect Data From 5,000 Individuals on the Topic of Their Perceptions of Why You Should Stop at Three-Way Stop Signs in the City in Which They Live, by ‘your name’

 In this proposal, speak to how you might build the survey, what you will do to ensure the questions are valid, will there be any peer-review processes in place, will you test the data using any statistical application to build question strength, and so on…

All I want here is effort, and some actual things you might do. If you remember back to R&E  #1 and our discussions in this semester, remember what it takes to build a survey that APPLIES VALIDITY, RELIABILITY, AND APPLICATION OF DDIDM?