
Self-Regulated Learning Project

Self-Regulated Learning Project

Self-Regulated Learning Project [34 pts]

Part 2

(Sections 5-8)

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Section 5 [Oct 30 – Nov 5]

Hopefully things are starting to flow now and you are getting into a comfortable rhythm with your study schedule. Once again I would like you to revisit the steps you took last week in
Section 3. Designate blocks of
study time for the
entire 7 day week and see if you can adhere to the schedule. Once again, your schedule for this week may look different from last week to accommodate timeslots that weren’t successful or require adjustments. At the end of the week (
Sunday), look back over your week to see if you were able to adhere to your designated study times and answer the questions below.

Q1. (a) How successful or unsuccessful was I in sticking with my predesignated
study times this week as compared with last week?


(b) If unable to stick with any or all of your intended
study times, what were some reasons for this?


(c) How might you be able to address those issues/distractions in the future? This should be a detailed paragraph or two.


Q2. (a) How many total hours did I devote to
study related behaviors outside of class this week?
Include charts.


(b) Was this a sufficient amount of time in order for you to accomplish your academic goals? Discuss.


Now, let’s talk about test preparation. You have been completing quizzes each week for this course and likely tests in your other courses as well. Please discuss the following:

Q3. How do you typically go about preparing for tests (not just in this class)? Discuss the specific
techniques and
strategies you use. For example, highlighting your notes and textbook, taking notes on your textbook, making flashcards, etc. Do you cram (massed practice) or use distributed practice throughout the week? What other metacognitive strategies do you employ in order to learn material needed for tests (e.g., teaching the material to someone else)?


Q4. (a) Do you typically feel sufficiently prepared when you go to take your quizzes/tests? Why or why not? If not, what could you do differently to improve this process?


Part of what leads to academic success is understanding your
motivation for being in higher education and the
goals it serves for you personally. Please consider the following questions and provide a reflective, well thought out response.

Q5. What are some

benefits do you derive from learning and performing well academically? Discuss.


Q6. What are

factors motivate your studying behavior? Discuss.


We have been examining
Operant Conditioning. In order to put a behavioral paradigm such as this into practice it is necessary to identify what
extrinsic, tangible elements we can use to reinforce our behaviors or inhibit them. Thus, you need to think about what you would personally find rewarding and punishing.

Q7. Make a list of a minimum of

possible tangible
rewards you could use to reinforce your
studying behavior on a consistent,

daily basis
. This means
things that you could receive on a daily basis. [positive reinforcement]


Q8. Make a list of

possible tangible
punishments you could use to help you avoid skipping your allotted study time on a consistent,

daily basis
. This means
things that you could receive on a daily basis that would serve as punishers (things you would wish to avoid). [punishment type I or type II]


Q9. Discuss an instance where you have used a reward/punishment scenario to guide or shape your behavior either now or in the past (doesn’t have to be academic related). Describe that process and the outcome. [If you don’t have a personal example, share an example you have witnessed along with the outcome.]


/13 pts

Section 6 [Nov 6 – Nov 12]

This week you are going to give building a
study schedule another try. However, in addition, you are going to implement a reward/punishment paradigm to help you follow through on your designated
study times.

So, the first step is to construct a
study schedule for the week (Monday through Sunday) as you have been doing the past few weeks.

The next step is to design a
behavioral paradigm. It needs to include the following elements:

a. A daily reward [must use a
continuous schedule of reinforcement]


b. A daily punishment [must use a
continuous schedule of punishment)

don’t use extra
study time as a punishment as it’s self-defeating and de-motivating,
and please don’t use any form of corporeal punishment.


c. An explanation of
when, and by
whom the rewards and punishments will be administered. [You can administer the reward/punishment yourself or have a roommate, friend, parent, partner, etc. help administer the rewards and/or punishments.]


Q2. (a) After tracking your week discuss how successful and/or unsuccessful you were in sticking with your predesignated
study times?


(b)If unable to stick with any or all of your intended
study times, what were some reasons for this?


(c) What are some steps you could take to address the issues or distractions that arose?


(d) Did using reinforcers and punishers positively or adversely impact the outcome of your studying behavior? Discuss.


Q3. (a) How many
total hours did you devote to
study related behaviors outside of class this week?
Include Charts.


(b) Do you feel this was an adequate or inadequate amount of “study” time necessary for you to accomplish your academic goals? Discuss.


Q4. How could you change your rewards and punishments to be more successful? Discuss. (Provide

at least one alternative approach
even if this week’s approach worked successfully.)


/7 pts

Section 7 [Nov 13 – Nov 19]

You are going to repeat what you did last week in
Section 6 and give the
behavioral paradigm one last try. Feel free to use the same rewards and punishments, or try something different depending on how things went last week.

You are going to make one
addition to the paradigm. Please read below.

Design a behavioral paradigm. It needs to include the following elements:

a. A daily reward [
continuous schedule of reinforcement]


Additional higher level rewards delivered on an
intermittent/partial schedule [e.g., if successful for 2 days in a row the extra reward is …; if successful for 3 days in a row the extra reward is …] You can structure this as you see fit, but you must add in the extra intermittent schedule to your overall weekly paradigm.


c. A daily punishment [
continuous schedule of punishment)

don’t use extra
study time as a punishment as it’s self-defeating and de-motivating
and don’t use any form of corporeal punishment.


d. An explanation of how, when, and by whom the rewards and punishments will be administered. [You can administer the reward/punishment yourself or have a roommate, friend, parent, partner, etc. help administer the rewards and/or punishments.]


Q2. Once you have completed your week, look back and reflect on how well you stuck to your schedule.


Specifically discuss how the reinforcers/punishers on the continuous
and partial/intermittent schedule impacted your ability (or motivation) to stick with your study schedule. Be specific – for example, was one approach more or less successful than the other? Should be a detailed paragraph or two.


Q3. How many
total hours did you
study outside of class this week?


Q4. In hindsight, do you feel that (a) using a scheduling approach works for you with your studying behavior?


/9 pts

Section 8 [Nov 20 – Nov 26]

Let’s reflect on your
studying behavior across the term.

Q1. (a) Chart the total weekly hours you studied
outside of class across the entire term during the weeks you were asked to record your weekly progress [section: 2 (baseline), 3, 4, 5, 6 &7] Provide a chart or bar graph that shows the week and hours spent across the six weeks monitored above.


(b) What reflections can you draw from this data looking back across the entire term?


Q2. What insight have you gained about yourself as a learner and student? For example: Are you

in the sense you have good self-control over your behavior in terms of meeting the goals you have set for yourself; Are you able to work around distractions; Are you are good at holding yourself accountable; and so forth? Try to reflect here and introspect.


Q3. Finally, looking back to the
TED talk you watched at the beginning of this PROJECT, how do you feel
now about the amount of time you have available on a daily basis and how you choose to spend it? Is it a matter of “
never having enough time
or do you feel that actually can manage your time in a way that enables you to accomplish the goals you set for yourself? Discuss.


/5 pts


Please submit the Project (Part 2) online on or before
Sunday, November 26th, 2023 by 11:00 pm. No late work accepted for reasons we discussed previously!


I hope you have found this Project helpful and will use it to assist you in future classes as well other learning situations you may encounter throughout life!


