
the clinician is the primary audience for the written treatment plan

the clinician is the primary audience for the written treatment plan

the clinician is the primary audience for the written treatment plan. In most cases, the clinician who develops the treatment plan for a patient will also be the clinician who assumes primary responsibility for that patient. In essence, it is important for the substance abuse counselor to develop foundational clinical skills that support client goals towards recovery.

For this assignment, you will watch the application video below and respond to the following. Use the APA format when referencing external sources. Feel free to use the e-book as a resource to strengthen your response. Develop four well-organized paragraphs in, type double-spaced, and submit via the drop box.

Imagine that you were recently hired as a substance abuse counselor, and your supervisor has assigned you to Levi. Your primary responsibility is to develop a basic treatment plan, due to his relapsed.

1) When developing the treatment plan, it is your responsibility, as the clinician, to share this information with Levi. Explain how you plan to discuss this treatment plan.

2) Explain the importance of the client being in agreement with the treatment plan.

3) What are three critical self-care techniques that clinicians must develop in order to support outcomes that focus on the client’s goal?

4) What areas do you believe you need to further develop to be an effective substance abuse counselor when supporting clients who have relapsed?