
Watch the video Suburban Regional Shopping Malls: Can the Magic Be Restored?

Watch the video Suburban Regional Shopping Malls: Can the Magic Be Restored?


Watch the video Suburban Regional Shopping Malls: Can the Magic Be Restored? Links to an external site.from McGraw-Hill.

According to Perreault, Cannon, & McCarthy (2021) from the course textbook’s Video Instructor’s Manual, “this video focuses on the current problems of suburban regional and superregional shopping centers. Southdale Center located in suburban Minneapolis is considered to be the prototype for most of the suburban regional and superregional shopping malls built during the second half of the twentieth century. Southdale opened in 1956 and featured 70 retail tenants in an 800,000 square foot enclosed, climate-controlled mall, anchored by two department stores.

The suburban regional shopping mall and their department store anchors enjoyed great success for almost 50 years. However, in the final decade of the twentieth century, they began to experience problems: competition (direct and indirect), industry overcapacity (retail space), a decline of the department store, and changes in shopping behavior. Strategies for turning around regional and superregional shopping centers include renovation, re-tenanting, entertainment, and zonal merchandising. The need to create an appealing, exciting shopping center that stimulates social activity is the key to revitalizing traditional malls. However, some suburban regional shopping centers will not survive. In fact, some have already been “decommissioned.” At the end of the segment, Rolling Acres Mall in Akron, OH, is shown as an example of a shopping center in trouble.

The video features interviews with several shopping center developers: Yaromir Steiner, CEO of Steiner & Associates, Bob Gorman, CSM, Area Manager of Greenwood Park Mall, Simon Property Group, Les Morris, Manager, Corporate Public Relations, Simon Property Group, Mike Leonard, COO. The Hogan Group, and Glen Hogan, President/CEO, The Hogan Group” (Perreault, Cannon, & McCarthy, 2021).

For this case study, you will need to address the following:

Please select a specific, struggling suburban regional shopping mall. Then, imagine yourself as the marketing manager of that mall. Please prepare a SWOT analysis of the mall. Based on the SWOT analysis and the needs of the target market, please recommend a superior strategy to senior management that will improve the mall’s performance. Please explain how your strategy will capitalize on strengths and opportunities while minimizing weaknesses and threats.


The body of your APA-formatted case study must not exceed 3 pages double-spaced. The page count does not include the cover page, reference page, or any other charts, diagrams, graphs, or tables. Content in excess of 3 pages will not be considered for grading purposes. An abstract is not required. Do not use first or second person pronouns in your paper. Your report should include a cover page, rich citations in the body of your paper, a reference page, and must include the following:

Introduction: The introduction should introduce the topic to readers or provide enough background information so readers can understand the context of the paper. Although introductions should be included, do not use the heading, “Introduction.” The beginning is assumed to be the introduction.

Content: The content should address the SWOT analysis and your recommended strategies with thoughtful, in-depth consideration reflecting both proper use of course terminology and additional original thought. Include descriptive paragraph headings as appropriate.

Conclusion: The conclusion should revisit key points or perhaps discuss future implications of your recommendation. Using the heading “Conclusion” signals to readers that the document is ending.

**Please make sure you fully describe each quadrant of your SWOT analysis in narrative format. Do not use bullet points only. Bullet points require the reader to make assumptions and can be unclear. Including a SWOT diagram is optional.

**Remember, opportunities are outside the firm and cannot be controlled by management. Making a statement such as, “Jacksonville Mall has the opportunity to renovate”, would not be an opportunity from a SWOT perspective because that action is inside the firm and can be controlled by management.

****VERY IMPORTANT: This assignment requires extensive research. Evidence (references) must be included to support your SWOT analysis and recommended strategy. Your ideas may appear great, but without supporting evidence, from a grading perspective, your ideas will earn little to no credit.

Citations in the body of your paper and a reference page are both required. One without the other does not provide all needed information. Cite your source after each sentence when you quote or paraphrase others or provide information that is not common knowledge.