
What would you do differently if you could start the capstone again?

What would you do differently if you could start the capstone again?

Part 1

What would you do differently if you could start the capstone again? What were three main findings from the investigation? Answer in 125 words

Part 2

Deliverables Summary

This section contains various information on the major project deliverables.

Below is a suggested outline for your final written deliverable. Feel free to modify the overall structure if you can find an alternative structure that best captures the results of your project.

If you are working on an entrepreneurial project, feel free to use the framework (SCORE template).

Signature Assignment Title: Cumulative Project   Signature Assignment Directions: Final Report Elements with 2500 words not including the title pagetable of contentsreference page, and attachments. The following elements are needed for your submission:

Report Elements

· Executive Summary

· Project Focus

· What is the focus of this project?

· Why is this an important topic?

· See the project proposal in Module 1

Strategic Analysis

Summarize the results of your analysis of external strategic imperatives drawn from paper 2 and beyond.

Issue Analysis

Root cause analysis and other information and analysis conducted in papers 2-5 most relevant to understanding the nature of the problem or opportunity.

Action Recommendations

· Key short-term recommendations and argumentation for the chosen recommendation

· Key longer-term recommendations and argumentation for the chosen recommendation

Implementation Analysis:

Summarize and revise paper 7 information and deliverables.


· Raw survey data

· Other supportive information