
Popular Questions - Homework Answsers / History


 Discuss the rise of the Civil Rights Movement in aftermath of WWII. How was the US government respond to Black American citizens demands for equal rights? 


  Roosevelt called his program to reform the nation's economy during the Great Depression the New Deal. Not only did it bring about major reforms, and introduce tougher regulation of...


 These may not be older than six months and must be from legitimate news sources (Wikipedia is not a legitimate source, nor is History.com). In the article, the author must be either discussing...


 These may not be older than six months and must be from legitimate news sources (Wikipedia is not a legitimate source, nor is History.com). In the article, the author must be either discussing...

Touchstone 4

  Touchstone 4: Analyzing Primary Sources ASSIGNMENT: You have learned that the historian’s craft involves using evidence from the past to learn and write about what happened. This...